Today’s Weather
The Roscoe region and surrounding areas is expected to get 3” to 6” inches of snow today into tomorrow. Also expect heavy winds to accompany the snow. The Catskills wind gusts will touch 30 mph and road travel will be difficult. The temperature will not break freezing for the next ten days.

With snow and gusts most roads will experience snow drifts. This is caused from the wind blowing powdery snow back onto the roads. Please only travel if need be. The snow is starting now 10:00am Tuesday January 26 2021.
What’s this mean for the area?
This should slow down the travel in and around Roscoe NY and the surrounding towns and counties. The rivers will drop in flow over the next day due to the blistery cold temperatures. View FLOWS hereNormal road travel might take over 24 hours do to the snow drifts to make safe. Please stay home if possible.