Cold Front About to Grip Catskills

Over the next few days the Catskill Region and Upper Delaware River System will see extreme winter temperatures. What will this mean for the Delaware River System? Let’s see…

Seven Day Forecast

Catskills Winter Weather

Over the next seven days we will be lucky to get the mercury over the freezing mark. It feels like the sun has had its mask on for about a month now. The sky is gray and the ground is hard and icy.

As the winter temperatures fall you will see the rivers “lock up” a bit. The edges will freeze and runoff melt will seize. As you will see looking at the flows charts, any new runoff that was destined for the river will freeze. Shelf ice is inevitable with these extreme winter temperatures. .

What does this mean for fishing?

Fishing will get very very tough for the angler. The ice on the tip of the rod will make it tough to fish for a long time. The fish will drop into the deepest holes and be glued to the bottom. Indicator nymphing deep slow holes with an indicator is your best bet.

Upper Delaware Fall Trout Fishing

Jeff might have the coolest mom in the world. It was almost Jeff’s eighteenth birthday and his mom gifted him a guided Delaware trip. FYI Jeffs mom my birthday is August 13th lol.

We fished the upper West Branch which recently had been rained on and the reservoir was spitting dirty water. In the first 50 yards we had 3 streamer eats and one nice one to net.

A few hundred yards later we ran into an epic BWO hatch and netted a few more.

After that fizzled out we saw a big brown eating ever ISO that floated down the bank. We put one over his head and the fish turned and stracked in 10 feet before aggressively smashing it. (first picture below)

Father Son Upper Delaware Fishing Trip

Some days you wake up and see the blue bird skies and think there might not be any noses popping up. This was the case today. Boat in the water, rods rigged and ok there’s a nice nose subtly cruising the shadow line. The prize was in a rythimic eating pattern that consisted on lateral and horizontal shifts. 3 here then 3 there then 3 there.

After many presentations, staying shorter than long to scare the fish, finally timing and distance was met with a sip.

Dad tied into a good one and it settled juniors back of the boat jokes. The fish made us work but it was well worth it.