A few fish from the past weeks. We are now running half day summer trips and nighttime mousing trips as well. Please shoot us a text to get on the calendar. The fall is almost booked up as well.

A few fish from the past weeks. We are now running half day summer trips and nighttime mousing trips as well. Please shoot us a text to get on the calendar. The fall is almost booked up as well.
Up until yesterdays rain there was very good dry fly fishing to be had. Since Easter weekend until yesterday (Friday) solid bugs hatched if you knew where to be. The warmer sections of rivers pushed out the most bugs and bigger bugs. Hatching this week were chimarra caddis, paraleps, olives, a few stones and yes hendricksons. We have had good bugs for this early in the season. Some of the warmer days provided 6 plus hours on targets.
For the bad news. This rain has hurt your chances to wade fish. Boats are necessary at these flows. The predictors do not have the Beaverkill getting below 2,000cfs until at least Wednesday. Hale eddy is predicted to be above 4,000cfs into mid to late next week.
It was a nice little dream while the flows, bugs and fish worked. This week we will have to work harder for the fish. Have a great weekend. Support the Catskills and Upper Delaware fly shops.
Ladies and gentleman, we are almost there!
The past two weeks I have been in the big apple helping a family member after surgery. It went a little longer than expected but they are healthy and we are back!
Today I drove around the reservoirs to see what we have coming our way. The number of the day is 100.7. Both reservoirs are currently spilling and almost a full point higher than capacity. This is a great thing looking forward. Without any snow pack this year, our river levels will depend on rain and the dam releases. Please see current levels below. The Cannonsville starts the West Branch of the Delaware and the Pepacton Reservoir begins the East Branch of the Delaware River.
The freestone Catskill blue chip rivers the Willowemoc and Beaverkill are also pretty high as well. If you are looking to wade this weekend the Willowemoc appears to be the safest choice. Still be careful and fish with a parter. The air might be warming up but the water is still very cold.
Black Winter Stones Size, Midges, BWO’s and Blue Quills have been spotted as well
Streamers out of a boat is still the best option right now for larger fish.
The reservoirs are in the 90th percentile going into March. The Cannonsville and Pepacton were both spilling until about two weeks ago. The state released a bunch of water and then stabilized flows to about 600 out of Cannonsville and 300 out of the Pepacton. Without much snowpack in the hills we could be in trouble coming into the season. It would be very beneficial to get a huge dumping of snow like we did last year in March. However the next 5 days will be in the 40/50’s. If the DEC/NYC fix the aqueduct this year (hold your breath year 3) we could see exceptional fishing due to dam releases in the summer. (after June 1). Whatever happens we will keep you up to date.
The Beaverkill and Willowemoc are both gin clear and semi-low. The river is fishing pretty decent at this flow but location and steadiness is the key. Look for deep pools (winter homes) with a gradual run coming into it. Fish small flies and light tippet. Currently the Beaverkill is running at around 300cfs while the Willowemoc is around 85cfs. Both river temps skyrocketed with todays temperatures. They will continue to hold for the next few days warmspell. Olives, midges and winter stoneflys are the ticket.
Even though its fishing now we are worried about the season. Just like the reservoirs not having snow to fill them same goes the Freestones. The snow dumping downstate and CT NJ LI got didn’t hit us at all. The freestones need a big snowfall to help them out.